I see that Alexa Cook has reported on a National Party conference in Paraparaumu. According to her report, “the National Party is firing more shots at the Government over its spending ahead of the Budget being released on May 19.”
National brought out its big guns for the occasion. Luxon and the hovering spectre of Willis were both there. The report declares that “Willis delivered blows to the Finance Minister.”
In one of those blows Willis said, “Debt is now at 36 percent of GDP and is continuing to rise,” I have no idea where Willis gets her figures from. The best I can find is from the International Monetary Fund: World Economic Outlook Database – a pretty reliable source. This tells me that New Zealand’s 2022 debt to GDP is in fact 28.07% – who to believe, a pampered ex-Marsden posh school stereotype or the International Monetary Fund? Let me think for two seconds.
Her specious claim, of course, provides no context. She fails to mention that New Zealand has the 160th lowest ratio of debt to GDP in the world. Labour under Finance Minister, Grant Robertson, has put New Zealand into a far better position than countries like Japan (237%), the United States (106%), France (99%), Canada (88%), the UK (85%), Finland (60%), China (55%) and Switzerland (39%).
Missing that international context is a typical right wing political lie. A lie by omission, perhaps but a lie, nevertheless. I suspect Willis has trouble lying straight in bed. I have written before that Willis learned her bad behaviour at Marsden School and bit by bit examples of her schoolyard treachery are beginning to appear. Her description of the level of New Zealand’s debt sounds terrible until you understand that most of the world have double, treble or more, debt than we have.
And then Luxon is reported to have said, “We’ll abolish the Māori Health Authority.” That policy is straight, old-fashioned racism. It promotes attitudes that have no place in New Zealand. He has shown himself to be racist. Māori health statistics are a disgrace. A Ministry to address the problem is entirely appropriate – unless you happen to be a white National Party flunky or privileged Luxon and Willis set on wresting power from Jacinda at any cost.
Do not trust the National gang. Whether it is promoting an $18,000 tax cut for himself, pitching for the early death of Māori or exaggerating to a point of deceit, New Zealand’s debt, Luxon and Willis will do anything for power. These two are no Keith Holyoake, no Jack Marshall, no Bill English not even a Simon Bridges. They were honourable men.
Always remember Luxon spent 5 years working in Chicago. We can only hope the anti-black politics of that city are not being imported into New Zealand. Also remember that Loxon has a history of helping kill black people. While he was CEO of Air New Zealand, its contracting business unit, Gas Turbines, was assisting the Saudi royal family’s naval vessels, blockade essential supplies like water, food and medical assistance from Yemen. Luxon did business with the people that killed, beheaded and dismembered journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. Luxon’s business helped starve to death Yemen’s black people.
The UN estimates that the conflict in Yemen caused over 377,000 deaths, with 60% of them the result of hunger, lack of healthcare and unsafe water – all the destitution Luxon’s company helped the Saudi’s deliver.
Luxon claimed to “have no recollection of it” and that “it might’ve post-dated my time.” If you believe that, I have a new bridge outside Ashburton to sell you. And if it is true, how incompetent is a CEO who does not know when his company is up to its eyeballs helping the Saudi navy deprive Yemen of food, water and medical supplies. Either Luxon lies or is incompetent or possibly both.
A country deserves the politicians it votes for. I do not think New Zealand has done anything to deserve a Luxon or his hovering spectre.
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