America has an impressive history of invading other people’s countries. The civilian deaths caused by American aggression have been huge. Most studies conclude that since WW2 America has invaded about 200 countries. I don’t know the deaths America has caused in total but here are some stunning numbers.
War | Deaths |
Korean | 5.0 million |
Vietnam | 3.1 million |
Afghanistan | 0.2 million |
Iraq | 0.7 million |
TOTAL | 9.0 million |
Nine million, almost twice the population of New Zealand, killed by America in 56 years. Ask any American though who is the worst terrorist in that period, and you would almost certainly be told Osama Bin Laden. 3000 killed on 9/11 puts him close to the top of any terrorist list. We do need to remember though that America has been killing more than that number every week for the past 56 years.
Measured in deaths, the worst terrorist by a huge margin is the United States of America.
Given how good America has been at killing the citizens of other countries, it is ironic how quick Americans are to chastise foreigners for human right’s violations. And it doesn’t seem to matter whether the US President is a Democrat or a Republican. Both have a blind spot when it comes to judging others. There is certainly nothing Christian about America’s approach to moral judgement.
Remember when Jimmy Carter got all bitter and twisted about Russia’s efforts to bring the Afghanistan Taliban under control. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance said, “Let me make my government’s position clear. We will oppose the participation of an American team in any Olympic Games in the capital of an invading nation.” If that was even remotely true, there should have been no Olympics in Los Angeles or Atlanta. The hypocrisy is beyond measure. Especially as America was about to spend 20 years invading Afghanistan. It is impossible to respect any country that behaves like that.
And now Biden is up to the same tricks. He is considering a U.S. diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympic games in Beijing to protest China’s treatment of its Uyghur Muslim minority. I have little knowledge of what is happening to the Uyghur minority. Biden’s reaction though is typical American thoughtless aggression. It will not work. If the Uyghur need help an Olympic diplomatic boycott is of no use. And secondly America is brilliant at the pot calling the kettle black. Biden’s time would be better spent sorting out why he killed a carload of Afghan children recently and why the Black minority in his country are killed at a 2.8 times higher rate than whites.
Biden might also like to check out why murders per million people are 4 times higher in self-righteous America (42.01) than in China (10.02). Incidentally, New Zealand’s rate per million is 8.85. And so, it seems in terms of how to successfully kill members of its domestic population, America has China and New Zealand well beaten.
With all the data pointing towards America being the world’s leading foreign and domestic terrorist, American Presidents should think twice about preaching to China or New Zealand. But not the Americans. In they go boots and all – sending aircraft carriers to the China Sea, practicing an invasion of China on the beaches of Taiwan and pushing for a diplomatic boycott of the China Winter Games. The American thought process is beyond belief.
China would have to murder an additional 42,000 Uyghur every year just to match the murder rate considered normal in America.
My disgust at American imperialism should not be misunderstood. I also recognise the value of America protecting the freedoms we enjoy. For example, in the 1970’s Alison and I were touring track meets in Zurich, Berlin and Cologne. Alison was running well. She had run a PB 1500 in Zurich (4.11), a New Zealand record 1000 in Berlin (2.38) and was set to compete in the 800 in Cologne. On the drive through East Germany from Berlin to Cologne we were stopped by the East German police. They demanded DM100. I took one look at their machine guns and paid up. The thought of spending time in an East German jail was all the incentive I needed. A few hours later we arrived at the East/West border. Flying over the border were three flags – West Germany, Great Britain and the United States. You have no idea the relief offered by the two foreign flags. They signified freedom in a way I had never appreciated. For that I am sincerely grateful.
An aspect of American imperialism that is embarrassing is the extent to which Australia will go to grovel at the feet of their American master. Australia’s Prime Minister is a creep. He cheats on France to curry favour. He is prepared to run the wrath of China to stay in America’s good books. Even though he knows America is the most murderous nation in world history. Even though he knows China could learn about torture from Australia’s treatment of minorities in boats off the coast of Brisbane.
Come to think of it, why is the UK playing cricket against a country with such an appalling human rights record. Hasn’t the MCC heard about the “white Australia policy”? Isn’t Boris Johnson aware of the Australian citizen and her two children being stripped of their nationality and shipped to New Zealand? Surely someone has explained the disgusting treatment handed out to the Aboriginals. A minimum of 40,000 Indigenous Australians were murdered in the Australian land wars.
And that ignores their constant cheating when Australia does get to play sport – yellow sandpaper, underarm bowling, Australians can’t lie straight in bed. Certainly, a cast iron case for a boycott. But oh no, Australians are white. And that excuses everything.
Thankfully New Zealand has a Prime Minister who plots an independent course. The Olympic policy New Zealand has announced is a good one. We should stick to our current position even if it does ruffle feathers in Washington and Canberra. Better to be small and honest that big and fraudulent.
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