Swimming New Zealand’s Explanation to Swimwatch

By David

“Following the conclusion of the 2014 campaign a review was undertaken by the High Performance Director of the National High Performance Centre in Auckland and the Wellington Regional High Performance Centre (WRHPC) to ascertain each programmes success, sustainability and alignment to the HP Strategy.

The analysis of the situation set out in the review is that, in relation to Swimming NZ’s programme for its elite swimmers, implementation of the strategy needs to be greatly improved.  Specifically:

  1. We have not achieved “strong team leadership and direction” (High Performance Strategy Priority 3)

  2. As a result we have not achieved “strong team culture” (high Performance Strategy Priority 2)

  3. The outcome has been too many swimmers have not achieved the “podium results” to the level required (high Performance Strategy – Priority 5) and

  4. Leading swimmers have not become, in general, “role models” for the next generation and for attracting public support and funding to the sport (High Performance Strategy Priority 6)

In addition, the Review found that the number of top swimmers being attracted to train at the High Performance Centres in Wellington and Auckland are not sufficient to justify the resourcing of two High Performance Centres at present.

The purpose of this proposal is therefore to restructure the High Performance Programme and align our coaching resources with our swimmers.


We have formed the preliminary view that the WRHPC is not sustainable given the number of swimmers in the programme. We are therefore proposing to close down the WRHPC and disestablish those roles currently associated with it.

However, we do propose to create a new role of High Performance Coaching Coordinator reporting to the High Performance Development Coach.  The purpose of the role will be to play an active role in the implementation of the High Performance Strategy 2013-2020, and the High Performance Development Programme.  Specifically the role will contribute to the implementation of a system to identify swimmers with the qualities to become high performance athletes, as well as monitor and provide them and their coaches with opportunities to maximise their potential.  A copy of the draft job description for this role is attached.

In Auckland, we have formed the preliminary view the role of Head Coach – National High Performance Centre will be disestablished and create a new role of National Head Coach reporting to the High Performance Director.  The purpose of the role will be to play an active role in the implementation of the High Performance Strategy 2013-2020, specifically strategic priorities 2, 3, 5 and 6.  Central to the role will be the requirement to implement an attractive training environment based on high expectations and uncompromising training standards whilst leading the National High Performance Centre (NHPC) in Auckland, as well as demonstrating strong leadership by gaining trust from other coaches with the NHPC programme.

These overarching responsibilities make it a very different role to the current role of Head Coach – National Performance Centre.  Obviously from a responsibility perspective it is a national role and so travel around the country attending workshops and meeting other coaches will be required.  However, from a skills and experience perspective the emphasis is taken off day to day coaching of swimmers (although that will still be required) with great emphasis being placed on mentoring of other coaches, implementation of strategic thinking in line with the overall high performance strategy, working with other stakeholders to ensure the high performance programme is positioned for success.

The successful candidate will need to be able to demonstrate leadership capability goes beyond working with athlete and which demonstrates an ability to work with other key stakeholders as part of a national sports programme.  A copy of the revised job description for this role is attached.

A summary of the changes is below:

  1. Disestablishment of Head Coach – Wellington Regional High Performance Centre.

  2. Disestablishment of Programme Coach – Wellington Regional High Performance Centre.

  3. Disestablishment of Head Coach – National High Performance Centre.

  4. Creation of High Performance Coaching Coordinator.

  5. Creation of National Head Coach.

If the proposal goes ahead we propose to advertise the new roles both internally and externally, following which a recruitment and selection process will take place as for any other new role in the organisation.”