By David
Last week Northern Swimmer sent Swimwatch a comment on the story titled “The Board Reappoints Butler.” The points made by Northern Swimmer are so important; so far reaching in their consequence, we have copied the comment below.
Have we lost all control of our sport? We have one Independent Board Member submitting a remit to re-appointment the other Independent Board Member.
Looking at the Legal and Governance page on SNZ it says that there are two Independents and five [elected] Board Members. The absence of his name shows that Mr Coulter has gone, however from what I have heard Mr. Toomey has been permanently based in London since August; I presume he no longer takes part in the Board meetings. However what that page does not mention, but what can be found if you look at the Board Meeting Minutes is that along with the Board Members also in attendance were:
Mike Byrne SNZ CEO
Nelson Cull Board Advisor
Kerry McDonald Board Advisor
(Martyn Newman-Hall (minute taker))
Effectively you have four elected Board members, two independent board members, two ‘independent’ board advisors, and the CEO. (I am assuming the minute taker breathes through his nose). While only Board Members have voting rights, you effectively have ‘independent’ and SNZ voices out-numbering the elected members 5 – 4. I can only guess as to who is controlling the content of the meetings. Have we lost all control of our sport?
Northern Swimmer is right. Participation on the Board of Swimming New Zealand is five “appointed” participants and four “elected” members. Here are their names.
Appointed Participants
Ross Butler, Acting Chairman
Jane Wrightson, Independently Appointed Director
Mike Byrne, SNZ CEO
Nelson Cull, Board Advisor
Kerry McDonald, Board Advisor
Elected Participants
Mark Berge
Ron Clark
Alison Fitch
Humphrey Pullon
I have omitted Dominic Toomey because, as Northern Swimmer says, Toomey has been in London for the past few months and can hardly be counted as an active participant in the affairs of Swimming New Zealand. And so, given these two teams – who do you think is running the show? Who do you think is scoring the most points? A cozy Wellington clique is up to its eye balls in running the sport of swimming. It is undemocratic. It is unconstitutional and it is reality. Appointed participants, controlled by SPARC and Miskimmin have absolute control of what goes on in every Swimming New Zealand Board Meeting. The sport is a shambles and Miskimmin and SPARC are responsible.
But it is not only the Board that has an undemocratic bias. It is not only on the Board that the membership of Swimming New Zealand has lost control of the sport. Just look at the membership of the Steering Committee set up to direct the current review of Swimming New Zealand.
Peter Miskimmin SPARC Appointee
Bill Birnie, SPARC Appointee
Ross Butler, SNZ Appointee
Jim Swanson, Elected Representative
It is worthwhile repeating. And so, given those two teams – who do you think is running the show? Who do you think is scoring the most points? A cozy Wellington clique is up to its eye balls in running the sport of swimming. It is undemocratic. It is unconstitutional and it is reality. Appointed participants, controlled by SPARC and Miskimmin have absolute control of what goes on in every Swimming New Zealand Board Meeting. The sport is a shambles and Miskimmin and SPARC are responsible.
But not only Miskimmin and SPARC are responsible. Sure they have invaded the sport of swimming and have appointed puppets to exercise power on their behalf. But they did not conduct their campaign in a vacuum. The Regions capitulated without firing a shot. Bay of Plenty and Auckland talked up a storm. But when the going got tough we were being led by Neville Chamberlains offering “peace for our time”. Does this sound familiar? “My good friends, this is the second time there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Now I recommend you go home, and sleep quietly in your beds.”
Here is the way those who offer “peace with honour” in this swimming moment say the same thing these days
“It became evident that better progress could be made through engagement. SPARC will fund and support the review but will not lead or direct it. If we engage fully, openly and in good faith to make this a good process that it will yield a good result for swimming. In this regard we are extremely positive about the opportunities this represents for us as a sport. While there are still significant differences of view, alternative ways of resolving those issues were agreed. We are very hopeful that these will provide better solutions than would be available through adversarial conflict. While there will be no grand and immediate result we believe that the process that has been initiated will bring constructive changes that will benefit generations of swimmers to come. We’re looking beyond our need for immediate gratification and playing for the long term. We are committed to ensuring that the process is open and transparent and that the respective parties deal with each other in spirit of respect and good faith.”
Yup – that sounds like Munich to me. All is well. We too can go home and sleep quietly in our beds. This page of idealistic platitudes can be found on the Auckland Swimming website under the heading, “ASA Board Message for Clubs and Swimmers!” Why that announcement needs an exclamation mark, I have no idea. Here at Swimwatch we take a far more Churchillian view. The evidence is clear. The appeasement accepted by the Coalition of Regions is ceding control of the sport of swimming to SPARC and other unelected bureaucrats at a hundred miles an hour. The sport is being invaded. Just look at the participation membership of the Swimming New Zealand Board and the most recent Steering Committee. Auckland and Bay of Plenty Swimming are fiddling while Rome Byrnes.