Archive for August, 2011

Presidential Politics

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

By David

I hear the Head Office of Swimming New Zealand has invited the President/Chairperson of each Region to Wellington. Their meeting is scheduled for the weekend of the 14th August. In earlier days I would have acknowledged this as a fine example of business communication; corporate networking at its best. Now I think it’s a band of devious buggers spending a small fortune, trying to con sixteen Regional leaders.

The Board of Swimming New Zealand knows their credibility is shot to pieces. Their Project Vanguard is lost without trace. Their High Performance program has faced another world competition and returned home empty handed. No one believes a word they say. Faced with a public relations nightmare, how do they respond? The only way they know how, of course. Spend money. Bring the bosses of all the Regions to Wellington. Buy them lunch with plenty of Chardonnay and spin them a line of double talk and dishonesty. Personally I wouldn’t go anywhere near their meeting. I’ve seen enough to avoid being in the same air space as any of the Coulter gang, ever again.

However, I can also understand the good swimming people who do run the New Zealand Regions; who do own Swimming New Zealand, wanting to give their Head Office the chance to be heard. And that is fair enough. However if any Regional President happens to be reading this post, could they do those of us who stand on the side of a pool every day and those young people who swim up to 100,000 meters in a pool every week – could they do us a favour?

Could they ask the Coulter gang – that’s Murray Coulter, Mike Byrne, Mark Berge, Jan Cameron and Ross Butler – the following questions? As a sport we seriously need to hear Swimming New Zealand’s explanation. I’ve already decided that the answer to each question is because the Coulter gang is rotten to the core. If there is any other explanation, then I’d love to hear it. The sport should certainly hear it. Perhaps this meeting is that opportunity.

Question One – Why does the Swimming New Zealand website keep referring to the recent World Championships in Shanghai as the “best performance in a world championship in terms of finals and semifinals achieved” when commentator after commentator has pointed out that New Zealand placed more finalist in two previous World Championships? The table below shows the actual record.

Question Two – Will Swimming New Zealand be issuing a retraction and apology for distributing false information to the New Zealand media?

Question Three – After the New Delhi Commonwealth Games why did Swimming New Zealand’s press releases refer to the New Zealand swimming results as the second best in our history when the result in New Delhi was in fact New Zealand’s seventh best performance? The table below shows the actual record.

Question Four – Will Swimming New Zealand be issuing a retraction and apology for distributing false information to the New Zealand media?

Question Five – Jan Cameron recently released a list of New Zealand’s best swimmers showing their world ranking. The list was wrong. The table below shows Cameron’s list and the swimmers actual world ranking. Will Swimming New Zealand be issuing a retraction and apology for distributing false information to the New Zealand media?

Question Six – The Ineson Report was extremely critical of the performance of Murray Coulter, Mike Byrne and Jan Cameron. In regard to that report and the following report from the High Performance Governance Committee:

  1. Will an application from Jan Cameron be considered for either of the two new management positions proposed in the HPG Report?
  2. Given the Ineson Report’s serious criticism of Mike Byrne’s performance why does the Board continue to support his employment?
  3. Given the Ineson Report’s serious criticism of Murray Coulter’s performance would the Board accept his resignation?

Question Seven – Why did Swimming New Zealand staff alter the minutes of the 2010 Annual General Meeting after the minutes had been posted on the Swimming New Zealand website?

Question Eight – Why have Swimming New Zealand spent quarter of a million dollars on pushing a new structure for the organization when their only and very specific instruction was to look at ways of improving the existing structure?

Question Nine – When will Swimming New Zealand seek approval from the Regions to move Project Vanguard to the next stage and is Swimming New Zealand aware there is not a snowballs chance in hell of that approval being obtained?

Question Ten – Has Ross Butler, in a public meeting, ever threatened the personal reputations of individuals who have voiced opposition to current Swimming New Zealand policies and management? If Ross Butler has publically threatened individuals involved in the sport is that behaviour acceptable to the Swimming New Zealand Board.

Question Eleven – Does it concern Swimming New Zealand that a leading firm of sport’s attorneys in New Zealand including a member of the New Zealand Olympic Committee has prepared a report that suggests that the Swimming New Zealand Board may have acted illegally in respect of its management of Project Vanguard?

Question Twelve – Does the Board of Swimming New Zealand endorse and support the performance of Jan Cameron. Are they content that after ten years and sixteen million dollars New Zealand has yet to win a medal of any description in a World Championship or Olympic Games?

So there we have it – the dirty dozen. Twelve questions that Swimming New Zealand should be asked. On a good day, 1000 readers from 20 countries click onto Swimwatch. I can assure all those attending the Swimming New Zealand meeting on the 14th August that our readership would love to hear the Coulter gang’s answers to the questions raised in this post. For far too long this organization operated independently of its membership. The resulting power has corrupted those in charge. Demanding answers to these questions would be a good first step in getting the sport back into the hands of its rightful owners.