The Kerry McDonald Letter

By David

The pages of Swimwatch seldom contain praise for Swimming New Zealand. But today is different. Last night the Board of Swimming New Zealand distributed a letter to all the sport’s owners – sixteen Regions and NZSCTA. The letter is a masterpiece. It is a work of real genius. No document could possibly cement and unify opposition to the current Board better than this one. Swimming New Zealand take a bow. A copy of the letter is included at the conclusion of this report.

But, before discussing the letter, I must relay to you an event that occurred yesterday that filled me with immense sadness. Danyon Loader was in Wellington. He had visited the capital to attend the funeral of Bill Matson, New Zealand’s representative on the FINA Board. There may be some readers who are unaware of Danyon’s resume. Danyon won the 200 and 400 freestyle at the Atlanta Olympic Games and a silver medal in the 200 butterfly at the Barcelona Olympic Games. He is New Zealand’s most decorated swimmer and is a life member of Swimming New Zealand. He is also fine and serious person; a gentleman in every sense. Danyon knew of the meeting being held by Swimming New Zealand to discuss the future of the sport and resolved to attend and participate in the discussion. Whatever his views, they would be worth hearing. As he walked into the room, SPARC’s representative on the Swimming New Zealand Board, Kerry McDonald, rushed over and evicted Danyon Loader from the room. Loader was not welcome in Kerry McDonald’s company.

Now I want to tell you one other story about Danyon Loader. Before the Atlanta Games his coach Duncan Laing told me that the new wall paper in Danyon’s bedroom was only half finished. The cost of Danyon’s swimming was so high that the wall papering had to be stopped. Let me tell you, Kerry McDonald, any man who has slept in a half finished bedroom for a year in order to win two Olympic Gold Medals for this country can attend any swimming meeting he likes. How dare you kick him out of the room. Danyon Loader has one hundred times more right than you to be at that gathering. You have just alienated every swimming person in this country. You should leave the Board of Swimming New Zealand immediately.

Actually Kerry McDonald insulted another New Zealand Gold Medallist yesterday. He put his name to the letter copied at the conclusion of this article. In the letter Swimming New Zealand cast doubt on the Ineson Report. The letter says, “The report is not a full and fair reflection of the performance of Swimming” and “we have some concerns with aspects of the Ineson report.” Ineson also has an Olympic Gold Medal, for hockey in the Montreal Olympic Games. Gradually Kerry McDonald and the Coulter gang are trying to screw Ineson. Bit by small bit they are becoming bolder in discrediting the extremely brave and valid report Ineson produced.

The letter is full of Swimming New Zealand double speak. Because Kerry McDonald did not get his way at the golf club meeting he has ordered Coulter into print, pushing their version of events. What I do not understand is just who is shafting who in this sorry game. The boss of SPARC, Peter Miskimmin, was quoted in the New Zealand Herald on Friday as saying the Board issues being faced by Swimming New Zealand were for the sport to sort out. They were nothing to do with SPARC. And yet Kerry McDonald and Nelson Cull, who are SPARC’s representatives on the Swimming New Zealand Board, are said in the letter to the regions to have “counseled us strongly against all of the board resigning.” And further on the letter says, “Nelson and Kerry outlined frankly their concerns about the current state of Swimming and the likely adverse implications if there was to be a wholesale resignation of the board.”

Nelson and Kerry seem to be up to their eye balls in telling the owners of Swimming New Zealand (that’s the Regions) what they should be doing. How does that tie in with Miskimmin’s Herald statement saying it’s none of SPARC’s business? The answer is not at all. Someone is telling lies. Is McDonald a bully and a liar or is Miskimmin making stuff up to have SPARC look good?

I am getting really tired of SPARC representatives threatening the sport with no funding. McDonald does it again in this letter. Here is what it says, “there were a number of reasons for this advice, including the ramifications for funding, both from SPARC and sponsors.” Let there be no misunderstanding on this point Mr. McDonald and SPARC, if you are going to throw your weight around like you did at yesterday’s meeting and interfere in the ownership of this sport, take your money and bugger off. The only people in swimming who will be hurt by that are some fat cats in Pelorus House and Jan Cameron’s white elephant on the North Shore of Auckland. Ninety nine percent of the coaches and swimmers in the country never see any of your money anyway. We could well be better off without you. We would be poor but we would be strong; standing on our own two independent feet. SPARC, stop making that threat. We don’t care.

McDonald’s letter concludes by telling us all that the Board is not going to resign and the Regions should withdraw their demand that the Board stand down at the Annual General Meeting. Swimming New Zealand is openly defying the owners of the sport. Far be it from me to suggest what the Region’s reply should be. My only caution would be to stay well clear of Kerry McDonald. He was on an advisory committee of Surf Life Saving New Zealand when they were considering Project Groundswell, and behold the destruction that caused the organization. Surf Life Saving is broke, broken and infirm. McDonald relishes the fact that the current Board of Swimming New Zealand is equally powerless. Effectively that puts him in a position of statutory management without responsibility; an ideal slot for the likes of Kerry McDonald. My advice to the Regions is, do not weaken and do not compromise. Claim ownership of your sport back. But most of all, beware of Kerry McDonald. He’s the sort of guy who kicks New Zealand Life Members and double Olympic Champions out of Regional meetings.

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  • … wow.

  • Tom

    The arrogance of this board is astounding. For example, take this line from the letter: “We, members of the SNZ Board, have given your letter very careful consideration and we appreciate your concerns, given the critical comments in the Ineson report.”

    We know full well, from Murray Coulter’s comments in the media over the past week, that he doesn’t take the concerns of the regions seriously and never had any intention of resigning. He said as much himself.

    It’s a worthwhile exercise to compare the tone of the letter sent by Bronwen Radford calling for the resignations, and the reply from Murray Coulter. The difference couldn’t be more stark.

  • David

    Tom – Those are good points. Bronwen Radford is an interesting blend of humility and strength – good qualities for leadership – me thinks.

  • Stevie

    David, As you may know…sometimes I think the langauge on Swimwatch is a bit too intemperate. BUT this time in particular (as I think I said also in connection with your material about the lead up to Sunday’s BloodySunday meeting) your passion; your perception; your messages…are dead right.
    I can say this – to reinforce the fact that what these (powerful) people are saying is untrue and intended to deceive (the regions etc) – as soon after the delivery of the courageous Ineson Report as the last few days of June 2011 ……Murray Coulter and Mike Byrne met with NZ representative swimmers and said to them……!!… that the Ineson Report was not really that accurate.

    Now they have McDonald doing the same – similar (subtle) message; discrediting the truth. Shit!

    And wait there is more…..15 minutes after they (the Chairman and Byrne) said that to the swimmers — the pair of them went to a media conference and announced that the SNZ board “took the Ineson Report on the chin”.

    Total, unmitigated hypocrites.

  • Tom

    Stevie, you’re absolutely right. The board of Swimming New Zealand fully accepted the Ineson Report. You can see their statement on the matter here:

    Now, they’re saying, “The board believes that, in a number of respects, the report is not a full and fair reflection of the performance of swimming.”

    So, which is it Murray?

  • Chris

    How dear they? How dear they?

    Asking Danyon Loader to leave a swimming meeting? If there is ANYONE in this country that has the right to unfettered access to any swimming meet, pool, gathering, meeting (either formal or informal) it is that man. The only one who has reached the zenith of swimming achievement, who is swimming royalty, is REMOVED from a meeting by a nobody … an arrogant, bullying piece of s***.

    This makes me so, so angry.

    And you know what David. Funny enough. They had no right to remove him from that meeting, because just checking up on the constitution … surprise, surprise … yes, I thought so …

    Rule 27.1(a)(i): “A life member shall be entitled to attend general meetings with the right to speak but not vote”.

    Now in this case I would take the interpretation of “general meeting” as being with a little “g” and little “m” (as opposed to not just an AGM), and if applied to this meeting, which was called by SNZ and was supposedly informal, just a bit of a “chat”, or so they were trying to imply, but certainly given that the clause is a bit vague, its inference is very clear that a life member has earned that honour.

    All swimming people should be absolutely outraged about this.

  • Sensible Swimming

    Who is this man? He is unelected, he has no voting capacity. He is not a member of any club. He was a part of one of the biggest con jobs in NZ Sport (Project Groundswell). Now he is the effective Fuerhrer, Dictator and world wide controller of Swimming in New Zealand.

    How weak and pathetic that this board is so compromised by their collective failure that they have now been bullied into submission by this outsider. MacDonald is supposed to be an advisor to the board. Here he is demanding that an unnamed few who are finally (and way too late to retain any semblance of integrity) thinking of resigning that they must not. Why? Because he does not want a new board to obtain a strong mandate to govern and bring strength back to the leadership of the sport. If they do get a new mandate then he loses his new power.

    SPARC speaks of not interfering n the sovereignty of an individual sport and here we have this man riding roughshod over the rights and wishes of the sports constitutional owners. This is an outrage.

    David you are right and well said. If this is the price which must be paid for SPARCS money then they must be told to b****r off again and again. We do not need their money on these terms. Like you I would rather we be poor but independent and with integrity than to live through the mess that these people have put us through.

    Please, please please. The regions leading this must remain strong and resist this or they and we all will be guilty of abandoning the future of our sport. I hope my own region develops some guts and signs up in support of these brave people who are standing up to this failed cabal of thugs.

  • David

    Thank you Beth. We do need a new start.

  • Chris

    OMG – what? They are now endorsing these clowns? Are you kidding me?

  • Rhi Jeffrey

    I’m with Jane. ….wow…. just wow. These people have their heads so far up each other’s asses. Should be interesting to see what happens next. Can the regions force the board out? Is that even a possibility? It seems to me these people won’t leave unless forced to do so.

  • James

    I have today e-mailed SPARC. If I get no response I will then pursue the Minister for Sport.

    All Swimming New Zealand’s response to the Indeson report has done is actually increase the divisions in this sport.

    The treatment of Danyon (if true) is appaling.

    and in all this ruckus lets not forget the Gold Medal performances of Glenn and Lauren at the University Games!!

  • Stevie

    The guts of it? In June SPARC didnt (and doesnt now) have the bottle to see the Ineson Report through, even tho they ordered it.

    Swimwatch readers know the tell-tale signs – SPARC approving the set up of what has been described here as the bullshit committee; SPARC people (3) involved directly with the dealings of that hp governance committee; and now the two SPARC advisors to the board (one a former biz heavyweight – McDonald – ex chairman of BNZ) gives active help to the current board to survive the grassroots pressure.

    On 14 August the Herald on Sunday quoted Peter Miskimmin of SPARC – “We have been concerned but have two independent directors on the SNZ board in Nelson Cull and Kerry McDonald. Clearly we want to see sound governance and leadership again. We had heard people felt a sense of disquiet but hopefully having two directors there is protecting the government investment.”

    Now that’s not even right technically. They are not on the board; they are not on the inside. But this quote shows SPARC’s viewpoint – leave it alone so long as Kerry and Nelson feel okay about it all. And, of course, I understand from Swimwatch those two do – one of them gave Mike Byrne a Management 101 course…in less than 7 hours! The other, acted as doorman last Sunday apparently.

    Okay Peter – hopefully that protects the goverment’s investment. Umm Peter how did you quantify the feedback from particpants in this sport when you read Ineson’s Report?

    SPARC does not want to have to deal with a new board at the helm of SNZ – people they dont know!…people they dont rate from the provinces!, new people who wouldn’t be a good fit in relation to corporate power brokers of NZ sports management (eg McDonald, Paul Collins, Peter Miskimmin etc ).

    OK that’s the reality facing Regions.

    The current chairman and his co-failures have the support of SPARC – despite what has happened in the sport. SPARC want to trade off the manageability of the staus quo against the grassroots swell that wants to see change now.

    When Chris Ineson reported neither SPARC nor the SNZ board had the balls to request the resignations of the CEO and another particular staff member.
    Two months later SPARC cant back down – they cant say ARHH shit we should have cleaned up the senior management team and that would have kept the trust of swimmings’ grassroots people. (They aren’t big enough to do that now!)

    OK is this a tragic situation? No. Its only about power, prestige, money and face-saving. We wont get any golds at London anyway.

    And consequences? The Ineson Report will be left on a shelf somewhere. The people who sold the swimmers well short will serve out their time til September 2012, collect their salaries, re-invent their histories; make new guidelines to guage performance; vindicate terrible things that many of the swimmers were put through.
    Sad EH. Id hate to be a swimmer.

  • Hurf Durf

    Welcome to stage 3 of the, accept, procrastinate, backpedal, appease, deny and ignore policy of Swimming New Zealand. It has been going strong for over 10 years now – and is the true legacy of Jan.

  • Hurf Durf

    On a much more positive note and only slightly related: big ups to Lauren, Glen and Mark Regan.

    Jan has done almost everything she can possibly do to undermine and discredit this talented coach and his athletes – and still they stand strong delivering results that must haunt Talbolt-Cameron clans nights.

  • Paul Newnham

    Hi All,
    I have just written to Murray McCully. Suggest you do the same ASAP.
    Its too big and messy for SPARC or SNZ to sort out now.

    Paul Newnham

  • michael

    Also on aside i was at Bil Matson’s funeral yesterday and it was a who’s who of NZ and Wellington swimming. Try Loader, Hurring , Winter, McClay , former pressie McPhee and even Coulter . I must say Coulter did speak well in tribute to Bill a shame Dave Gerrard couldn’t make due to the weather. I would loveto have known what Bill would have thought of the mess.

  • Michael

    I have just flicked Mr McCully a quick email too on

  • Tom

    As I consider it, I am increasingly grateful Surf Lifesaving New Zealand received minimal central government funding (their income is derived from sponsorship, gaming machine grants and The NZ Lottery Grants Board). If they had, they could well have be in the same position as Swimming New Zealand: stuck with an inept board.

    David, I think your reading of the situation is correct. In order to appease the swimming public, SPARC ordered the Ineson Report. They were, I believe, surprised at the veracity of the findings.

    However, being an election year, SPARC have decided news headlines about the board of a tax payer funded organisation being fired for incompetence would be unwelcome. And so, the board have been instructed to stay.

    What we are seeing is a political calculation from SPARC: better to stick with the current board and fail to produce results in the future, then go through the short term pain and headlines of establishing a new board with a fresh mandate.

    I agree that at this point in time the sport of swimming might be better off without SPARC funding. It is turning out to be something of a poisoned chalice.

  • Paul Newnham

    Good point about the funding Tom.
    Our club pays the coaches, hires pool space, buys uniforms, sends teams away to meets…………….. none of which are paid for by SPARC.
    In the engine room of our sport (the clubs operating every day with volunteers and parents money) SPARC have no influence. Yet currently the engine room does not drive the ship.

    Danyon, if your reading this your welcome at any of our meetings any time. It would be a pleasure.


  • Stevie

    Hurf Durf, regarding your comment.
    OK I do one comment per Daivisd story, but I’ll make a (further) exception in your case.
    OK I dont wanna single you out — but (please) be more respectful on this site…I dont think Swimwatch wants the TUI ADVERTS in all there vulgarity showing up here!
    You have said that “Jan has done almost everything she can possibly do to undermine..this…coach (Regan)”. Please, in the interests of accuracy and fair blogging, be more careful with your comments.
    The official organ of Swimming New Zealand – the website at – has a tab at State AQUABLACKS. I can assure you this publication is reliable, trustworthy, accurate, informative – shit it’s good – …

    It says (as at your bedtime – 11.25pn Tuesday 16 August 2011 (the year of our lord)) – that Mark Regan is NOT (repeat NOT) a coach of the SNZ Aquablacks.

    You will see the SNZ site names the list of coaches of the current Aquablacks; you will see him (Mr Regan) listed with the (very) august people who are described by SNZ in relation to their Aquablacks as “Support Staff”.

    Check this out. Get it right!

  • Sharon

    I was wondering how Koru was getting on in the wild. Now we know the exciting news – he has been having management 101 for 7 hours. Next thing we know he will be twittering from a forrest near you! Apt for a bird brain!

  • James T

    I have watched Danyon when he comes out to meets. He is always generous with his time and a big inspiration to everyone he comes into contact with. He appears to love engaging on the pool deck and gravitates to the ordinary people. I love watching as he allows youngsters to hold his gold medals and hang them around their necks and have photos taken. He is a real gem.

    I know nothing about his politics or how he feels about these issues but I am outraged to hear of what happened to him on Sunday. How dare they!

    From what I have seen of him he would have responded with quiet dignity and will not want a fuss to be made of this. I doubt we will ever learn how he really felt or what he actually thinks, but I can only begin to imagine the deep sense of hurt he must have felt to have been asked to leave a SNZ meeting. How unnecessary.

    Nobody, bar nobody was more worthy of being involved in a meeting convened supposedly to find a way forward for the sport than Danyon Loader and they turned him away. Shame on you Kerry MacDonald. We do no want that type of behaviour in our sport thank you very much. It may have been fine in the board room of Comalco, or the Apple and Pear Board but you cannot treat Danyon Loader like that and get away with it. That act of treachery will not be forgotten.

  • Lee

    New board, then performance manage byrne out.

  • Chris

    Stevie – OMG

    Yes, you are right. Mark Regan is SUPPORT STAFF.

    So … the only coach in this country who has delivered Olympic medals is officially Support Staff. And … with Gary Hurring the only coaches who had their swimmers make finals at World Champs this year.

    And … the STATE AQUABLACKS … the only national team in this country named after a sponsor that doesn’t pay them any money!

    Yes … Mr McDonald & Mr Cull … your job was to come in a help get rid of this sort of crap, not bloody turn on the regions and the grassroots who until now have been witnesses to this sideshow for years.

    And your great contributions so far are to give 7 hours executive training to Koru, help Coulter with the impossible task of his public image, and bloody turn away Danyon Loader from a meeting that he has more constitutional right to attend than you.

    (BTW David – I have taken a screenshot of the above page, because as soon as SNZ staff read this, and we know you read this blog site, they’ll be instructed to take it down)

  • Tony

    This just in:

    I’m curious, how is it Murray thinks removing the entire board would be “catastrophic” for swimming, when the Ineson Report found the current governance is, in fact, catastrophic for swimming?

    He’s like a man who kills his own parents, then argues for leniency because he’s an orphan.

  • David

    Tony – I love the analogy. Perfecy comparison. The serious aspect of the Herald article by Coulter is that the Regions have let Coulter take over the media. It is not by chance that every revolutionary in history takes over the television stations, the newspapers and the radio stations first. They know the value of controling the media. McDonald knows that too. That’s why the cunning piece of work got the Regions to agree in Wellington not to talk to the media. Only he would discuss the meeting. Of course he lied. The next day Coulter bursts into print.

    My strong recomendation to the Regions is to take back control of the media. They are your strongest ally in this sort of situation. You have to prevent Coulter’s lies being the only information heard in public. Coulter is being manages by some crafty, not very nice operators right now and needs to be watched.

  • Tony

    You’re right David. It’s ridiculous the regions should be “told to keep quiet”, when Murray continues to talk to the media. The members of Swimming New Zealand own the sport, and have every right to communicate with journalists. Perhaps I’m idealistic, but I still believe the news media has a significant role to play in the Fourth Estate – speaking truth to power.

    This is certainly a situation in which some truth needs to be spoken.

  • Chris

    Ah David, I think the term is “crafty buggers”, or is it too early in the morning for that language. Although I know you have probably been up since 5.00am on poolside.

    Again, begs the question, how many of these \unelecteds\ are up at 5.00am on poolside?

  • Northern Swimmer

    I fail to see why Mr Coulter thinks that the resignation of the entire Board would be catastrophic.

    Surely it is merely a matter of perspective. Just like those caught up in the High Performance staffing re-alignment he, and the other board members will be allowed to re-apply for their roles.

    In fact, he should take the perspective of our latest political leader Mr Harawira, and realise that this is an opportunity for him to re-establish his mandate to lead swimming in New Zealand, and have this confirmed by the regions.

    As long as Mr Coulter knows that he and the Board have acted with competence, dignity and in the best interests of the sport they should be confident in their abilities to be re-elected.

  • Curious and Curioser

    Kerry MacDonald is not a member of SNZ.

    Kerry MacDonald told Danyon Loader it would ‘be better if he did not attend’

    Kerry MacDonald was not appointed because SNZ is in statutory management.

    Kerry MacDonald does not have any voting rights on the SNZ board.

    Kerry MacDonald was not appointed under the SNZ Constitution.

    Kerry MacDonald has no constitutional authority.

    Kerry MacDonald runs SNZ – Why?

    The answer is simple.

    The SNZ Board has failed and has no authority to govern.

    SNZ management have failed and have no respect from its stakeholders.

    Of course Kerry MacDonald will not let this board resign – to have a new board elected with legitimate constitutional authority means that he is no longer in charge.

    Kerry MacDonald will then need to revert to doing what SPARC placed him there to do – to be an adviser to a SNZ Board who are legitimately appointed under the constitution.

    Kerry MacDonald does not want to advise.

    Kerry MacDonald wants to dictate.

    Reclaim our sport now and install legitimate leadership. That will not be a disaster, democracy seldom is.

  • Hurf Durf

    Stevie: Mark is a coach. Whether the board of Swimming New Zealand wish him to be or not.

  • Stevie

    I know, I know…..Hurf Durf…..the “YEAH RIGHT” material of mine was an attempt at irony. I wanted to reinforce your view about the coaching situation!!!.

    I think you can see my own view – a disgrace to know that as at August 2011 they have Regan down as a hanger on; when he is coaching and doing well.

    You have said who must be responsible though; and that must be right. Disgusting.

  • Tom

    Stevie, you are of course correct. If Murray truly believes he and his board are indispensable, then he should have no qualms about resigning and standing again.

    Also, it’s clear the governance of Swimming New Zealand has launched a PR campaign in an attempt to save their position:

    I work in the media industry, and know a PR campaign when I see one. Expect to read more stories like this over the coming months. Here’s how it will work. The regions are asked to keep quiet for ‘the good of the sport’. Results at swimming meets will be trumpeted (and misconstrued) to prove the success of the current management, and the ‘flaws’ of the Ineson Report.

    Meanwhile, ‘friendly’ swimmers, mostly those from the High Performance Programme, will be tapped on the shoulder and asked to speak to the media about their support of the current management. Staff at Swimming New Zealand will post comments on these news stories (posing as general public) questioning the Ineson Report and congratulating the organization on its success.

  • David

    I see Stuff is still publishing the Coulter lie about Shanghai being SNZ best result in terms of semi finals and finals. When are the media going to learn SNZ lie to them.

  • Cee

    Sitting at the Miramar Golf Club , no one taking official minutes????
    Meeting Chair stated everything was “on the record” unless he chose otherwise..

    Agreement was made that only release to media would come from Mr McDonald
    which would simply be an agreed statement to be released on SNZ website.

    Obviously that agreement expired when all participants left meeting.

    The Coalition of regions will not lie down. Dont be surprised when they fight back.

  • Chris

    Across the Ditch – I assume that by absolve the Board, you mean to remove?

    The SNZ Constitution is poor as it grants too much power to the CEO and the
    Board, with inadequate provisions for accountability. This has always been the case. Of course, Byrne (is he still Koru at the moment?) was trotting around the Vanguard meetings claiming that he couldn’t do his job because of the Constitution and wanted MORE power.

    There are of course constitutional difficulties in removing ‘en masse’, but it can be done. However, I have every confidence that the regions have thought this out already and it wouldn’t surprise me that we might see some remits for changes at the AGM (or SGM, whichever comes first).

  • Tom

    I must apologise for my folly, but it only just occurred to Paul Veric, manager of Surf Lifesaving’s Project Groundswell, was former chief executive of Swimming New Zealand ( The bittersweet irony – the current chief executive of Swimming New Zealand is pursuing a plan that was used by a former chief executive used to leave Surf Lifesaving broke and infirm.

    This made me laugh (, particularly the line “The former kayak international has enjoyed outstanding success in his role as chief executive of Swimming New Zealand. Under his leadership SNZ has earned status as one of SPARC’s seven priority sports.”

    Well that’s worked out well for swimming, hasn’t it?

  • molly

    …someone is saying more than their prayers… Must have been a divine aberration for the person who claims Danyon Loader was not allowed at the sunday meeting…might pay to check these things. Also it would seem that by promoting Bronwen Radford – Swimwatch has successfully handed her the posion challice…well done.

  • James T

    Oh please Molly – get your facts straight. If you want to go on a bender that’s up to you, but get your ducks in line first. Danyon Loader came to the meeting with several regional delegates. He was told by MacDonald that it would be better if he left. That is the way it was. Do not try and recreate history. Not everybody there saw it happen, but those he was with saw it all. To follow your religious theme Molly, the devil is in the detail!