Beware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

By David

Many readers will know that the title of this post is a popular version of a verse from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter seven, verse fifteen – “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” It is interesting to consider the meaning biblical scholars give this verse

A false prophet is described as a teacher of incorrect doctrine, or one who falsely and unjustly lays claim to unique inspiration. To come in sheep’s clothing is to assume the appearance of sanctity and innocence, when the heart is evil. Ravenous wolves is applied to the false teachers, it describes those who assume the appearance of holiness in order that they might the more readily exploit the blameless.

There are aspects of Swimming New Zealand’s behaviour that bring this verse to mind. For years the Coulter gang have acted as though the members of Swimming New Zealand didn’t exist. It got so bad that at the 2010 Annual General Meeting the Regions passed the Manawatu Remit. This measure forced Swimming New Zealand to communicate with the Regions. Swimming New Zealand’s Head Office acted with typical arrogance. Illegally they refused to ratify the measure and demanded a Special General Meeting to get the Remit overturned. Of course they promised to behave, to listen and always consult in future. The good people in the Regions believed them and agreed to withdraw the Manawatu Remit.

But nothing changed. Swimming New Zealand’s Head Office had got what they wanted. They had conned the Regions again. They had duped those stupid country folk. Now they could go about their business unfettered by pesky interfering Regional nobodies. And that’s exactly what they did.

Swimming New Zealand altered an Annual General Meeting approved Remit that required them to obtain Regional approval before progressing Project Vanguard. They illegally spent quarter of a million dollars investigating ways of doing away with the Regions. They progressed Project Vanguard through all sorts of stages without seeking Regional approval. They agreed to Jan Cameron working for her husband’s television company on Swimming New Zealand’s dime and were about to okay the same deal for the World Championships until Swimwatch caught them red handed. They enacted regulation changes without going through any formal approval process.

On and on it went – Coulter’s Board acted with a total disregard for the Regional owners of the business. Their behaviour had it all – contempt, dismissal and arrogance. Their explanation of Project Vanguard actually said they knew better. They were professionals and professionals performed best.

Except this time something had changed. This time the Regions were on their guard. This time there were talented, commercial men and women in the Regions who picked the con. Swimming New Zealand was being called to account. Swimming New Zealand was being asked to explain. Why were New Zealand newspapers being lied to? Why was Ross Butler threatening to use his day job to hurt those who questioned Swimming New Zealand? What was Swimming New Zealand going to do about a catastrophic Ineson Report? Why were Murray Coulter and Mike Byrne spending the organization’s money without approval?

These Regional people were not trouble makers. The questions they asked were not irrelevant or specious. The Regions were finally acting as owners of the business. They were calling their Board and their employees to account. They were doing what should have been done ten years ago. Swimming people should be very grateful to the people of Manawatu. Their Remit began a process that will result in Swimming New Zealand being a better place; a better managed more accountable and more honest association. Because of the years of neglect, the proper attention that is now being paid to Swimming New Zealand’s shortcomings is seen as revolutionary. It is obviously opposed with abhorrence by those who have exploited the previous lack of proper supervision. The controls and disciplines of a well managed business are being put in place. And those who have become accustomed to unfettered power; who have acted without accountability don’t like it.

I even think Swimwatch may have assisted. I know Swimwatch has been described by Mike Byrne as “strident”. And we probably are that and a little bit more. However even though we stand on the sidelines, we do help draw serious people’s notice to matters that require their attention. That is enough. That is our service.

The effect of all this has been a nightmare for the Swimming New Zealand Board. Their credibility has gone. The calls for resignations and dismissals are loud and shrill. The Ineson Report has confirmed the house is in disarray. The Regions are claiming back their organization. The Swimming New Zealand Board couldn’t pass a vote abolishing slavery these days. And they know it. They are hollow men and women; ghosts without power or authority.

So how do they react? They do exactly what they did when the Manawatu Remit was passed. They promise to behave. They plead a “Road to Damascus” experience. They have seen the light. They call a meeting of the Regional Chairs in Wellington. They provide lavish Miramar Golf Club lunches with well chosen wines and promise to be good boys and girls. They get one of their Board members who is also Chairman of the Wellington Centre to propose open and honest dialogue; to propose that one of the independent members of the SNZ Board, such as Mr Kerry McDonald, chairs an open forum between the regions, the Board and the Chief Executive, where all issues and concerns can be tabled.

It begs the question of where the open and honest dialogue was when Berge and the rest of the Coulter gang were enjoying unfettered power. There didn’t seem to be much need for any open forum back in those days. Besides, any forum Kerry McDonald chairs is not independent. No, I’m afraid all this is all too late; too late by a country mile. It is time for the Coulter gang to go. It is time to be strong and hold these crooks to account. It is time to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.

  • Sensible Swimming

    My question David is this. Swimming New Zealand has offered to pay Regional Chairs to visit Wellington on 14th August to discuss Project Vanguard. At this point no Agenda has been published. Just some vague promises that “Humphrey and Mark have come up with a great plan”.

    Two questions:

    How many of the Regional Chairs who have accepted SNZ’s largesse to attend would have attended the same meeting at their own region’s expense if SNZ had not booked and sent them plane tickets, within hours?

    How many regions were told “Everyone else is going and your region will be the only one not going, so you need to as well or you will not know what you are missing out on”, and “No, we can’t tell you at the moment what we will be discussing because it is Top Secret”?

  • Curious and Curioser

    I commented yesterday about your Question Ten re. Ross Butler. I’m reading in between the lines here, so is he out there threatening people if he thinks they are trouble-makers? I did pick up his rather melodramatic and churlish comment about his ‘recent pain’ that you featured a few blogs back. I suspect Mr Butler is behaving rather too, as you put it, “Presidential” and views himself as being the one who will save the swimming community from itself. Did we even vote him into office? No, I thought not!

  • Chris

    I can’t believe they are still banging on about Project Vanguard.

    Oh for goodness sake, talk about flogging a dead horse. I mean, it is almost comical. Just when you think that things couldn’t get any worse, up pops bloody PV, like a clown at the rodeo.

    What is it that they just don’t get? This Board has no integrity, no authority, no honour. Any vestiges of credibility have long disappeared with the catalogue of lies and deceit that has festered for a very long time. Even with the Ineson Report baring more than even us cynics dared to even hope for by exposing the flaws at the very leadership of a dysfunctional organisation, any opportunity for this Board and its leaders to ‘do the honourable thing’ and step aside (or at the very least announce that they would not seek re-election at the AGM) has evaporated.

    We are nearly bloody two months down the road since the Ineson Report and … guess what? Cameron is still there. Byrne is still there. Coulter is still there. The bloody Board is still there. Butler is wanting to be the hero (apparently he didn’t even know that there were World Champs this year) and has presented a ‘shocking’ document for discussion … and now they have the cheek to spend another $10,000 doing a sell job on the Regional Chairs, no doubt trying to convince them that it has all been a misunderstanding, that the Report was wrong, we have the right people in place and have turned a corner and there will be big announcements soon, and this has all been because of 1 or 2 trouble-makers in the regions. And if they get really desperate, they will pull out their well-worn favourite, “SPARC said if we don’t do this we will lose our funding”.

    It really is this simple. NOBODY TRUSTS YOU.

  • Sharon

    Oh dear. Where’s Koru when you need something to laugh at? Oh that’s right. Released yesterday … we wish.

    BTW – what’s happened to the General Manager of Everything, Tania Black?

  • Tony

    It’s incredible they still wish to proceed with Project Vanguard, particularly given the absolute train wreck that has been Surf Lifesaving New Zealand’s own Project Vanguard (Project Groundswell). Does Swimming New Zealand really intend to repeat history?

  • chhill

    Tania Black is still studying the SNZ constitution so that she can reply to a query from 2 months ago

  • Sharon

    So … what do you call Cathy Hemsworth’s departure?

    A start!!

  • Sensible Swimming

    Good morning David. Let’s remind ourselves why we are still talking about this.

    Remember, “…there has been a failure at three critical organisational levels – Chair of SNZ’s Board (governance); the CEO (operational) and the GM Performance and Pathways (HP), [and that] the dysfunctional environment at the HP Centre has been festering for some time, it was public knowledge and little or nothing had been done to rectify it”.

    It is now 8 weeks since we saw this report (remembering also, they got the report a week before the public did), and as stated above, Jan Cameron, Mike Byrne, Murray Coulter, and the rest are still in office. In the case of the first two, they are still drawing salaries.

    Another to add to my questions above to be asked by the regions next week, is:

    When will the Board of SNZ accept responsibility for their failure and offer their resignations?

  • Chris

    Again, casual reading for a Sunday morning by our favourite reporter (the one that doesn’t ‘cut and paste’):

  • Regional Layperson

    Standing at the top of the platform about to perform the most complicated dive in the book are Coulter , Butler, Berge and rest of the team.
    ” Reverse Quadruple Sommersault with Triple Twist”
    Question is Will they jump or Will they be pushed ?
    I can not see the Regions putting up with much more!!!!!!
    Surely, they will not be allowed to destroy the sport any longer..

    I wish I could be at the meeting this Sunday? Then again maybe I will be..