The previous Swimwatch post showed a breakdown of the charge made by Swimming New Zealand (SNZ) to each of the swimmers selected to swim in the World Short Course Championships. I think it is appropriate for us to consider each of these costs. Are the swimmers being ripped off? Nothing would surprise me. This is SNZ after all.
Air Fare – SNZ charge $2,477
This amount is typical of SNZ; extravagant and wasteful beyond belief. My guess is that SNZ know it is as well. In their cost breakdown they go on about all sorts of factors that justify selecting the expensive option. For example how long is the flight, how many transfers are there, what is the transfer time, does the team need to collect luggage due to changing airlines, what do we know about the transfer location, how stressful is this journey and what is the departure and arrival time. All of that is clearly an effort to justify Johns or Francis prejudice in favour of Air New Zealand.
The most cursory search on Webjet will find the following options.
Direction | Airline | Duration | Stops Duration | Cost | Saving |
Out | China Southern | 16h 5m | One 2h | – | – |
Return | China Southern | 16h 5m | One 2h 50m | $1,414 | $1,063 |
Out | Air China | 17h 35m | One 2h 5m | $2,014 | $463 |
Return | Air China | 16h | One 1h 35m |
I cannot imagine the Air New Zealand flights are any quicker. Air New Zealand only fly direct to Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai. So the team is going to transfer somewhere. No, this is all about SNZ spending other people’s money to avoid flying on a Chinese airline; ignoring the fact that both Chinese airlines fly the most modern 787 Dreamliners on this route. My guess is it’s SNZ racism and a rip-off. Loyalty to the national carrier is one thing but charging someone else a 75% premium is disgusting. If Johns and Francis are so attached to Air New Zealand they should pay the air fares themselves and back off charging swimmers a 75% premium.
Accommodation – SNZ charge $1,850
Before commenting on this cost we need to know more about the FINA subsidy. We have been told, “FINA provide a small subsidy for 4 athletes to attend the World Short Course event, this subsidy is split across the group of athletes.” It is important to know the amount of the subsidy. What does small mean? Was there a subsidy for any of the traveling staff and was this also split among all the team?
A cost of $168 per day for food and accommodation seems reasonable. However that ignores the fact that the swimmers should not be charged a cent – especially and unbelievably when the cost includes swimmers paying their own entry fees. That is despicable. If ever Cotterill, Johns or Francis had any chance of respect they lost it the minute they decided to charge Hunter, Godwin and sixteen others the entry fees for a World Championships. How do they sleep at night?
Uniform – SNZ charge $600
Here again my complaint is not the amount but the fact that swimmers are being charged at all. The ultimate irony is the following comment in the SNZ cost breakdown, “On a daily basis the team should be matching, smart and proud. The team kit ensures that they look smart, the (sic) feel great representing their country.” There might be some chance of swimmers feeling great representing the country if they weren’t paying for their entry fees and airline seats knowing that Gary Francis is sitting back fully-funded, not spending a cent. It is hard to feel pride in that, no matter how smart you might look.
Travel Insurance – SNZ charge $121
Southern Cross travel insurance, a reputable company, quoted me $77.98 per swimmer for the same trip. Why SNZ should be 55% more expensive is beyond me; unless SNZ are charging swimmers for the premium older members of the management team pay.
Team management fee – SNZ charge $0
The seriousness of including this line was discussed in our previous post. Do not be fooled by the $0 figure. Here is our previous warning.
And second, what is the last line, “Team Management Fee”, designed to prove? Why is that there? The only possible reason is to convey the message that SNZ considered asking swimmers to pay for the Gary Francis’ junket, but behold how wonderful they are, SNZ is going to pay for him themselves. Including the fee category leaves the door open for Cotterill, Johns and Francis to charge swimmers for their overseas perks in the future. The very presence of that line is a monumental insult and should be of serious concern to every swimmer in New Zealand. It clearly shows that swimmers paying for a New Zealand team manager at a World Championships is considered legitimate. It just wasn’t done this time. They are seriously disgusting people. |
Conclusion – SNZ charge $5,300
SNZ never cease to amaze. I doubt any one of them could get a job in the real world. The individual charges listed in the cost breakdown total $5,048 per swimmer. But SNZ are charging the swimmers $5,300. Who gets the difference of $252? Where does that go? Who pockets that money? Clearly Johns’ education did not include the finer points of double entry book-keeping. Over sixteen swimmers the error will give SNZ a profit of $4032. That’s what SNZ are pocketing above the costs incurred by the swimmers – clearly enough to pay the Gary Francis airfare and accommodation.
Add in potential savings on airfares of $1,063 per swimmer, $19,134 for the team, and $43.02 per swimmer, $774.36 for the team, for insurance and $4032 for poor arithmetic and SNZ could have paid $23,940.36 less to attend the same meet. That’s a saving of $1,330,02 per swimmer. All caused by SNZ doing a shoddy job. It is difficult to feel much pride in that.
SNZ stand unique in the world as the only federation that looks to profit from sending a team to the World Championships. Gee that makes me feel proud – that’s irony in case I am misunderstood.