sales are USD136 billion per annum and profits were USD92 million last quarter. Well, hold on to your hats, those numbers are about to change. But please keep this to yourself. I do not want to be charged with insider trading and spend six months at home attached to an ankle monitor. But here is the hot oil. I’m sure you will appreciate the seismic nature of what you are about to read.
A month ago the German publisher of my previous two books accepted for publication a manuscript for a new book written by Jane and me. It will be published in mid-2018 and will being sold in good book shops near you and on
The book is called “Junior Swimming – How to Survive and Prosper”. We have used actual examples of swimmers I have coached, some whom have been successful and others who for one reason or another failed to swim to their potential. You may recognize some of the swimmers. You may even recognize yourself! If your name is Toni, Nichola, Jane, Fara, Nicole, Rhi, Kirstie, Andrew, Skuba, Doug, Ozzie, Tiffany or Abigail I think you will be pleased. If your name is Julie, Linda, Jamie, Trish, Allie, Susan, Dean or Bayleigh you might not be quite so pleased. We look at the reasons some swimmers prosper and others leave before exploring their talent and discuss strategies that might avoid the problem of early drop-out.
Because the examples used are real people and real events the book may be considered by some to be confrontational. That is not our intention. Instead we hope that by openly and frankly discussing real events that happened to real people the book will make a serious contribution to improving participation in the sport – not just in New Zealand but around the world. The book draws on experiences Jane and I have had swimming or coaching in New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the Virgin Islands, the United States and Saudi Arabia.
There is no doubt that early departure from swimming is serious. Many studies, in a variety of countries, conclude that between the ages of 14 and 17 the drop-out rate is about 80%. Our book discusses why that happens and suggests remedial measures that can be taken by coaches, parents and swimmers to avoid early drop-out.
The chapters I have written look at coaching and competition factors likely to help extend and benefit a swimmer’s career. Jane has written about the same thing but from a swimmer’s perspective. I found her contribution to the book particularly interesting. It is enlightening to appreciate how difficult getting through the teenage years can be. I am sure that understanding will help others survive.
Jane and I are pleased with the result. If any of you do decide to read the book we hope you find it useful. And so get your sleeping bag out, pack your pup-tent and a picnic basket and get an early spot outside your local book store. Or perhaps better still send a pre-order email to amazon. That way you get the book and improve the value of your company shares. Enjoy!