A Loaded Gun

By David

On Monday nine of the seventeen voting members of Swimming New Zealand sent an ultimatum to the SNZ Board. It said that the Board should accept responsibility for the organization’s shortcomings. The Board should resign at the 2011 Annual General Meeting. Individual members could stand for re-election but the organization needed to begin the new year with a new Board with a fresh mandate to manage the affairs of the sport.

A copy of the “resignation” letter is shown at the conclusion of this post.

I have huge respect for Bronwyn Radford from Bay of Plenty. She is most likely horrified at that bit of news. Being admired by David Wright is probably her worst public relations nightmare. However, she’s the one who put her name on the letter demanding the Board’s “resignation”. I was reading another letter today, sent recently to Swimming New Zealand. This one was signed by fifteen of the sixteen regions and told Swimming New Zealand that their Zeus data base system was unacceptable to the New Zealand regions. That letter too was signed by Bronwyn Radford. For a couple of years it seems she has played a leading role in keeping Swimming New Zealand marginally honest. And now she and eight others have asked the Board of Swimming New Zealand to resign.

So, how will the Board of Swimming New Zealand respond? What will the Coulter gang do? My guess is they have three options.

  1. Accept the terms of the ultimatum. Agree to resign at the Annual General Meeting and provide the sport with a new Board and fresh mandate to govern. That would be the honourable thing to do. That’s what honest directors of the organization would see as an appropriate response to the region’s letter and the management disasters of the past two or three years. However honesty and honourable have never been strong suits of this Board. So, I doubt this option will see the light of day.
  2. Break ranks and have some Directors agree to resign while others hang tough and call the Region’s bluff. I doubt this option will happen. Coulter knows the importance of gang loyalty. Faced with their current problems, Coulter knows that any division in the ranks would be suicidal. No, I can’t see this Board turning on itself. The members are cut from the same cloth, tarred with the same brush.
  3. They could ignore the letter; give the nine voting members a middle finger salute and march on as though nothing had happened. Of course they will dress up their dismissal to look better than I’ve described, but the effect will be the same. They will probably question the Region’s voting power, debate the constitutionality of the resignation demand and claim that the immanent prospect of the London Games compels them to hang onto power for the good of the swimmers. Have you ever noticed how often the world’s dictators stay in power “for the good of the people”? My guess is the Coulter gang will go for this option. Why? Well firstly, because it suits their collective arrogance. They have never acknowledged the importance of the regions. Fundamentally they despise the good, honest, salt of the earth servants of this sport that populate the regions. And secondly, history tells them they can ignore the regions and get away with it. They didn’t like the Manawatu Remit so they ignored it and it was withdrawn. They altered the minutes of an Annual Meeting and ignored the outcry and it went away. The regions are populated by good people who have been shafted by their Board.Unfortunately the Coulter gang have been allowed to get away with too much too often; and they have learned. Just ignore the regions and the regions will give in. The SNZ Board believes the regions have loaded a gun but will never have the bottle to pull the trigger. Coulter, Byrne, Cameron, Berge and Butler fundamentally believe that if they call the region’s bluff and the regions will fold. Yep, given the flaws in this Board and the organization’s history I’m picking this is the option the Coulter gang will choose.

Before we print the “resignation” letter, have you ever noticed how the Wellington region never support initiatives supported by the other regions? The Zeus letter was signed by every region except Wellington. The capital’s signature was also missing from the “resignation” letter. Clearly Berge has his region under control. One does wonder whether the Board of the Wellington region is exercising its constitutional duty to promote the interests of the region or is simply a Berge sycophant. The evidence is not good.

However the lap dog obedience of Wellington highlights the courage and importance of the Bronwyn Radfords of this world. Every member, every swimmer involved in this sport owes her a huge debt of gratitude. It’s a lot to ask – but I just hope that having loaded the gun Bronwyn Radford and her supporters will have the courage to pull the trigger when the Coulter gang ignore their warning. For that, I am sure, is what is going to happen.

Here is the “resignation” letter.

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  • Paul Newnham

    Pull the trigger now, Surprise is a formidable weapon!!

  • Tom

    One particular definition of ‘toxic leadership’ I like is “a leadership approach that harms people – and, eventually, the organisation as well – through the poisoning of enthusiasm, creativity, autonomy, and innovative expression. Toxic leaders disseminate their poison through over-control. They define leadership as being in control.”

    Of course, the inverse is true of good leadership. At the risk of sounding trite, Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote. “Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”

    Thank you David for holding the management of Swimming New Zealand to account. And thank you for recognising the efforts of Bronwyn Radford. Good leadership should be celebrated. I hope she is successful in this initiative.

  • Tom

    One particular definition of ‘toxic leadership’ I like is “a leadership approach that harms people – and, eventually, the organisation as well – through the poisoning of enthusiasm, creativity, autonomy, and innovative expression. Toxic leaders disseminate their poison through over-control. They define leadership as being in control.”

    Of course, the inverse is true of good leadership. At the risk of sounding trite, Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote. “Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”

    Thank you David for holding the management of Swimming New Zealand to account. And thank you for recognising the efforts of Bronwyn Radford. Good leadership should be celebrated. I hope she is successful in this initiative.

  • Sensible Swimming

    As a dedicated follower of the sport may I say how sad I feel about Bill Matson’s unexpected passing yesterday. I watched with pride as he presented medals during the Championships in Shanghai – it is surreal to contemplate that he is no longer with us. My deep sympathies to his family as they face life without this giant of a man who had so much integrity. He has been a genuine servant of our sport.

    I agree with you about Bronwen Radford – I am sure SNZ must regret having granted her a NZ Service Award (2009) and the Volunteer of the Year Award last year. She is very brave and we need more people like her. I would be very pleased to see her take a place on a new SNZ Board although I am sure she would be appalled at that thought because from what I have seen her motivation is genuinely about other people and making things better. Besides, she would never want to give up her work for her beloved Bay of Plenty.

    Knowing Swimming New Zealand I am sure that each person who has attached their name to this letter will now be marked and vilified. Mrs Radford will probably not be best pleased to have been named by you on Swimwatch but she is so hyperactive that I doubt she has time to read what you write anyway.

    There are others who have undoubtedly been got at and were not prepared to attach their names to this letter. There have been plenty of people at the pool in Wellington this week who have been talking about how bad things are and that things need to change but who would rather that a bitch session be held in Wellington with airline tickets paid for by SNZ than add their name to a call for the board to resign – for what purpose? That to me is really disappointing. At least this letter offers a solution that will provide a genuine opportunity for catharsis. Like you I rather think that this board will not grasp the opportunity offered and would rather dig in for a long fight.

    If you and I are wrong and the board does resign let us not forget that they will still need to be replaced by good people who have the courage and vision to then remove Jan Cameron and Mike Byrne. The Ineson report and all the pain that led to it and which has followed its release will have been wasted if that does not happen.

    I hope that there is the courage amongst the regions to see this fight through to the end. Our sports survival depends on it.

  • James T

    Firstly, sad sad news about Bill Matson, a true stalwart who will be sadly missed.

    There are some true champions of this sport, and not just in the pool. Your reference to Bronwyn Radford is spot-on. She is a straight-shooter and I am not surprised one little bit that she is taking a lead. However, I am thoroughly p***** off about my region not signing this letter. They all moan and gripe about swimming NZ but clearly don’t have the balls to do something as simple as sign a letter telling the board to do the right thing. Frankly, I think we get what we deserve.

    Good on those regions who are standing up. They deserve all the support we can give.

  • Sharon

    Bronwen Radford for President!

  • Concerned

    Hi David…

    I have fortunate to spend a couple of days at the swimming short course nationals this week, I thought some feedback might be appreeciated. Firstly I was impressed with your team of athletes they conduted themselves professionally and did your club proud. At times I picked up on comments from other swimmers around the pool not related to what goes on in the water, and not once did negativity effect the enthusiasm of your team.

    I cant say I kept a close eye on the results of your team, but your guys deserve a big pat on the back.

    The Swimming –

    Aside from some notable performances in the water, (a kid from united club, Eric Khar was definately the standout out of the meet, also Paul Kents Roskill boys winning the mens freestyle relay) – the meet was a logistical nightmare.

    1) Entry to the Pool

    There would easily have been 400 – 500 people in the surrounds at any one time. The only Entry to the pool was through the changing facilities. The poor old men and woman getting changed, surely paying for the right to a small amount of privacy had to deal with a constant stream of foot traffic through the area set aside to get dressed.

    2) Access to the stands and Marshalling

    From entering the pool deck from the changing facilities, you came out to the area set aside for the coaches to observe their swimmers in action. An area from the 15m mark through to the bulkhead. A real shame that the constant flow of traffic into and out of the changing facilities and the stands strategically used the very same area that was set aside for the coaches. You have to question the use of coaches and managers tags, because it was an absolute free for all!!!

    3) Marshalling

    Low and behold, the swimmer marshalling area flowed into and out of this same area. The swimmers, full of concentration, felt the need to apologise to all in sundry as they weaved their way through the crowd to get to their race.

    4) the Swimming NEw Zealand VIP Area –

    From the flags to the 15m mark, were 3 tables separated from the chaos for the VIPs!!!… the 2-3 people left in our swimming community who are brave enough to associate themselves with our national body. the crisp white table clothes and comfortable seating made sure that our VIP’s were well looked after. Pity it was at the expence of the very people the meet was put on for.

    5) The Pool

    Outside the back entrance to the pool ( the one with multiple doors, easy access to and from the stands and to the pool deck, far enough from the action not to disrupt it) – the entrance designed for events such as these, was the swimming new Zealand shipping container – on its way to another world class swimming event. Maybe they were packing it up full of the uni games teams bags on their way to china.

    The pool is only 1.2m deep at the dive block end. The number of swimmers whos training was in vein because they were hitting their heels on the bottom in the backstroke starts, or having to adjust their dives was shameful. How can our swimmers be expected to do world class times if they are not provided with world class facilities. enough said on this.

    6) The swimming NEw Zealand PR machine –

    Full credit to Mike Byrne, he did more than his fair share of Time keeping. He spend the entire meet sitting behind lane 4, as far way from the chaos of the coaches gallery, and public ear shot as was possible. (bar the top of the 10m platform). When I say entirely of the meet, I am pretty sure the only time he stood with the coaches was on the first night of the meet. He didnt commit to timekeeping as he obviously had somewhere better to be when he exited at 7.00pm (saturday night). Strange coincidence perhaps that Jan was also absent from saturday night action.

    If swimming Wellington did have anything to do with organising this event, it is little surprise that they didnt sign this letter. Probably to them the event was a great success!!! there are no problems in their backyard!. The shambles on poolside was a real shame and it detracted from what should have been a great experience for our younger swimmers coming through, for the families that invested thousands in getting their children to the pool.

    Who ever was on the organising committee for this, couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery, I just hope it wasnt the work of a paid professsional. At $15 an entry the swimmers, the families, the coaches, and the volunteers on poolside deserve better.

    Lets just hope our friends in Wellington take feedback like this on board and that future events will be better planned, providing our swimmers with every oppotunity to put their best foot forward.

    Signing off, with a big ups to team canterbury, with all the hardship our friends down there have had in the last year, the way the swimmers got in behind their region, espiecially in the relays provided at least a small glimmer of hope that there is some light at the end of the tunnel!!

  • Northern Swimmer

    Good on Bronwyn Radford for fighting the good fight!

    We are well past seven (7) days of the date of the letter, 25 July. Has the Board responded in any way David?

  • David

    Northern Swimmer – I understand the relevant date is the day the letter was delivered which was Sunday 7 August. The seven days starts from then.

    Concerned – Thank you for the feedback on our guys in Wellington and the meet in general. I’m pleased WAQ behaved.

  • Northern Swimmer

    Looks like there has been progress!

    10th August 2011
    Project Vanguard Update deferred

    A meeting of all Regional Chairs planned for 14 August will no longer focus on vanguard.

    The change in focus follows receipt of a letter to the board signed by some regional associations. More details are available on our Project Vanguard Update section of the website. Click here to be redirected.

    Mike Byrne
    Chief Executive


  • Lee

    I hope that someone is going to demand an independent facilitator at this meeting?

  • Tom

    I note Project Vanguard has become ‘One Team’. Whose team is that?
