By David
It would be remiss for Swimwatch not to mention the biggest story to affect our team in a very long time. This is how reported the story.
A teenage swimmer has won a legal battle after his parents tried to stop him representing New Zealand because they disapproved of his American Olympic gold medallist girlfriend. Justin Wright, 17, met Rhi Jeffrey, 24, at the West Auckland Aquatic Club, and the pair struck up a romantic relationship, The Herald on Sunday reported today. Jeffrey, who won gold at Athens in 2004, moved to Auckland to try to qualify for next year’s Olympics in London, under her Kiwi coach David Wright.
But Justin’s parents, Paul and Sandy, were not happy about the pair’s relationship, reportedly because of the age difference, and sent emails to club members, demanding the club coach intervene. They even withdrew their consent for Justin to compete at Swimming New Zealand (SNZ) events, and scuppered his chances of qualifying for the Swimming World Cup in November.
But this week Justin won the backing of a court to be a member of SNZ against his parents’ wishes, in what is believed to be a legal first. In Auckland District Court on Thursday Judge Graham Hubble granted permission for Justin to enter into the contract with SNZ. The application was not opposed.
As Justin’s coach, there were two aspects of this case that affected me. First – when Justin’s mother asked me to intervene in the relationship, what were my coaching responsibilities. Second – when Justin’s parents refused to approve his Swimming New Zealand membership and Swimming New Zealand decided to deny him membership, what were my coaching responsibilities.
In the first case I got an email from Justin’s mother asking me to get involved. She argued that I was Rhi’s coach. I had imported Rhi and was her “guardian”. I had a responsibility to provide guidance to a person who was stealing her son from the “cradle”. Rhi, she said, “should come with a Govt. warning”. I decided to seek some advice and made a visit to the Henderson police and called an ex-West Auckland Aquatics Club member, national swimming representative and now prominent Auckland criminal lawyer, Johnny Munro. In both cases I asked, “Is there anything illegal in Rhi and Justin’s relationship?” Was there any aspect of their relationship that should concern me as their coach? In both cases I was told that, no, there was nothing illegal going on and they both viewed this type of thing as a family matter.
I wrote back to Sandy, that’s Justin’s mother, and said that while I understood her feelings, my role as their swim coach did not include getting involved in personal relationships. That would be most improper of any coach. Promoting or terminating personal relationships was the responsibility of family members, guidance councillors and religious providers of pastoral care. It was not in the realm of someone whose role in life was to decide what was meant by a good aerobic build-up.
Sandy, not content with my reply, wrote to the West Auckland Aquatics Club and Auckland Swimming; hoping for a more sympathetic and emotional hearing. Both organizations investigated her allegations. Auckland Swimming even took advice from a child protection professional and found no grounds for disciplinary action. Sandy was sent replies that confirmed the view that this was a personal and family matter.
Sandy should have let the matter drop there, but she was on a mission and wrote to Swimming New Zealand, where she got a sympathetic hearing. The combination of David Wright and Swimwatch and Auckland Swimming and its opposition to Project Vanguard was too much for the Coulter gang to resist. Swimming New Zealand decided that the law preventing youths under eighteen entering into a contract without parental consent was sufficient grounds to decline Justin’s membership and banned him from the organization. Here are the first two paragraphs of their rather officious letter to Claudia Hill, the President of the West Auckland Aquatic Swim Team.
Further to our recent telephone conversation, I am writing to confirm that Justin Wright is no longer a member of Swimming New Zealand, Swimming Auckland or the West Auckland Aquatics swimming club.
As discussed Justin must by law be 18 to sign a contract that includes signing the Swimming New Zealand application form. As his legal guardians, Justin’s parents signed his membership application form on 26 February 2010 and he joined West Wave Aquatics. His parents have subsequently asked West Wave Aquatics to withdraw his membership and the club is obliged to do so.
As is normal with correspondence from Swimming New Zealand this one is full of errors. The most serious in this case is getting the name of our club wrong. They twice refer to us as West Wave Aquatics when in fact we are West Auckland Aquatics. You would think SNZ would know the name of the club that gave swimming athletes such as Herring, Boyle, Munro, Anderson, Steel, Sanders, Hall and Newcombe.
But more interesting is SNZ’s sudden conversion to the word of the law. This is the organization that without any care for due process or honesty, changed the minutes of an Annual Meeting, suspended Tracy Freil without a hearing and threatened to suspend Toni Jeffs for accepting sponsorship from a nightclub. But because it’s David Wright and Swimwatch, because Justin swims for Auckland, the law suddenly becomes all important. Justin can pay the price while Swimming New Zealand plays politics with one of their more talented members. They really are a bunch of creeps.
Well the law can work both sides of the fence. We were fortunate to find a good lawyer, Jeremy Sutton, who took Justin’s case to the Auckland District Court. Justice Hubble took less time than it takes Justin to swim 100 meters butterfly to find in Justin’s favour. Auckland’s best 17 year old butterfly swimmer was back in the Winter Championships. Was Justin right to take his case to the court? Of course he was – he won didn’t he?
Justin’s case is an example of two things; a mother who should have taken the time to consider the long term consequences of her crusade and a national sporting organization who should learn from the vastly superior management skills shown by its regional and club administrators. Not everybody agrees of course. One Auckland administrator was wandering around the pool last weekend muttering about, “history repeating itself”. Undoubtedly that was a reference to the high profile period swimming had during the Toni Jeffs era. I do hope there are no domestic skeletons in that administrator’s closet. Another woman accosted me with the name of this story – “how could you?” Well, dear lady, the reason I could is because the law of the land said it was the right thing to do and because I thought Justin winning a silver and two bronze medals at the Auckland Winter Championships was a good way to spend his weekend. But I guess none of that matters much to the likes of you.
It’s off the serious point of this post, but I have to tell you that some of the talkback and internet comments have been hilarious. One well meaning listener asked for divine help, “Lust blinds the truth. Godly love is true love. How many people know that love?” Of course Justin’s 100 butterfly was seen by others as the end of the world, “The Judge who allowed this just took another block from what little foundation we have left of any morality and decency in our nation.” I even read that, “Shagging an older woman obviously improves your swimming – go for it boy!!” I think that might be taking these events too far. And finally Justin’s request for permission to swim was seen by one prophet as, “Just a pity the judicial system in this country is so corrupt.” There is nothing it seems as strange as folk.